The Falcon Programming Language
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Falcon modules

This section hosts Falcon extension modules development. The projects listed here are Falcon modules which provide extended functionalities to the base engine.

  • Console I/O: Multiplatform console basic I/O and related modules.
  • cURL library binding: A binding to libcURL as well as a stream interface for http and ftp and VFSs for the vm for http and ftp.
  • Database Interface: Generic database interface framework and specific database drivers.
  • Dynamic Library Binder: Module loading foreign symbols in third party shared objects or DLL, and providing safe call interface to them.
  • FreeDesktop DBUS binding: DBUS is an inter-application light communication protocol. This module allows Falcon application and embedded scripts to participate in desktop-wide conversations on systems like GNOME and KDE. Falcon scripts can control other applications an be notified by them through this interface.
  • GD2 Library Binding: Binding for the GD2 Graphic Library.
  • Generic parser: A simple interface to a generic parsing facility providing simple rulesets and callback hooks.
  • GTK+: This module binds GTK+ to falcon in an object oriented manner.
  • Linux inotify: Monitor files or directories activity on a Linux system.
  • MP Module, (ARPREC binding): A module for Multiple Precision Math on integers, rationals and floating point numbers.
  • Oauth: Support for Oauth 1.0 and 2.0 authentication scheme in web-based applications.
  • Ogre 3D: A module for using Ogre3D from any falcon application
  • PDF support: Module to handle and generate Portable Document Format.
  • Posix specific extensions: library of functions usually found on UNIX and Linux systems
  • Qt4 binding: This is the Falcon official binding module for the Nokia-Qt4 libraries.
  • RFC1521 - MIME support: Nil
  • SDL Library bindings: Set of modules providing a fast interface to various SDL components.
  • Wiki Parser: Advanced parser for Wiki pages. Latest versions can be found at http://bitbucket.org/kib2/wikiparser/
  • XHTML document generator: HTMaker is a small library that can be used to create dynamic server-side well-formatted XHTML 1.0 compliant documents.

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