5.7Web Oriented Programming Interface model

The Falcon Web Oriented Programming Interface is a framework abstracting the activity of web-based scripts.

The model can be abstracted as in the following scheme:

A client issues a request to a web server, which is configured to route the request to a WOPI adapter. The adapter fills a set of informations and parses the HTTP request, feeding it to the "main script", which is the head script of the WOPI based Falcon application that is meant to serve the requests.

The script based Falcon application can send data or HTML based pages back to the client by simply printing it on the standard output (or using the binary data oriented write() method on the stdOut stream), and it can control other aspects of the communication, as setting cookies or changing the content-type header field, manipulating the Reply object.

Note: Keep in mind that a script can serve only one request. When the request is served, the script is terminated and it's state destroyed, unless you take particular actions to make some of its element persistent through cookies or sessions (see below).

WOPI provides the scripts with a session manager, that allows for persistent data to be stored across sessions.

A minimal setup

Configuration and setup required for each wopi front end is described in its own section. We'll setup here a minimal testing environment that can be used to verify and locally debug applications before delivering them to the final production site.

For this test, we'll use falhttpd, which is readily available on all the supported platforms and requires a very simple and consistent setup.

After having installed Falcon and falhttpd, let's just write a couple of simple script to perform a basic test. Save this as index.ftd:

   <title>A test with a Falcon Template Script</title>
   <h1>Hello world!</h1>
   <p>Some informations about this script:</p>
   <p>Script name: <?= scriptName ?></p>
   <p>Script path: <?= scriptPath ?></p>
   <p>Falcon engine version: <?= vmVersionName() ?></p>
   <p>WOPI Provider: <?= Request.provider ?></p>

In the same directory, start falhttpd with the following command:

   <path to falhttpd> -h . -p 8080

Now, launching a browser and querying the address "http:" the script will be launched.

Similarly, instead of an FTD page it is possible to use a standard falcon script. Write now the following code and save it in test.fal

   // A standard falcon script: test.fal

   > "<html><head><title>A generated script</title></head>"

   vmid = vmVersionName()
   > @"
      <h1>Hello world!</h1>
      <p>We're now inside a standard falcon script,
      brought to you via the $vmid Falcon engine.</p>"

   > "</body></html>"

Whether you should use ftd files or falcon script to generate the web pages that the remote client will see depends on your choice. It is advisable to use FTDs for mostly static pages in which only part of the content is variable, or when the variable content is easily repeatable (i.e. to generate rows of data tables); when the content of the page is hairy and complex, it is probably better to use falcon script and write the static parts in string blocks.

Whichever way you prefer to go, non-presentation code (back-end library, utility functions and so on) should be moved into Falcon script modules that would not be meant to perform output (at least, not massively). This helps keeping separate the presentation logic from the business logic.

Handling query fields

Client web applications can send pairs of strings (field-name/value) to configure the behavior of server-side applications. WOPI handles separately 3 kinds of input data that may be sent buy client web applications to the sever side scripts:

- GET fields: data fields sent directly in the requested URI as a query parts.

This three kind of query fields are stored in the Request.gets, Request.posts and Request.cookies dictionary respectively, so that each field-name is a key of one of those dictionaries, and the value is (normally) a string corresponding to that dictionary key.

Falcon WOPI translates special names in the input fields creating arrays or dictionaries corresponding to certain keys.

Processing GET fields

The following example shows how to deal with fields directly stored in the query element of the incoming URI.

   <!-- This is an FTD file -->
   <h1>GET Processor</h1>

   <? if not Request.gets ?>
      <!-- Part generated if there aren't get fields -->
      <p>Your request doesn't contain any get field. Please, try again
      <a href="<?= Request.uri ?>?one=value1&two=value2&three=value3">clicking here</a>.
   <? else ?>
      <!-- Part generated if we have some get field -->
      <p>Content of the get fields:</p>
      <table border="1">
      <tr><th>Field name</th><th>Field content</th></tr>
      <? for key, value in Request.gets ?>
         <tr><td><?= htmlEscape(key) ?></td><td><?= htmlEscape(value.describe()) ?></td></tr>
      <? end ?>
   <? end ?>

While keys are always stings, special formats in the field names can be rendered as arrays or dictionaries of values. For this reason, it is necessary to check for the type of the value associated with each key (unless there are guarantees about the source generating the field), or use functions and methods like describe that will work on any type.

Note: Notice the htmlEscape function that has been employed to be sure to render correctly keys and values to the final html document. Values and keys can theoretically contain any character, including special HTML code. Echoing an input variable directly to the final document may expose the remote clients to the risk of malicious code being arbitrarily executed (for example, a value may contain a tag and a whole script).

Processing POST fields

Processing POST fields coming from a form is analogous to processing query fields received in the Request.gets fields. The only difference is in the fact that those fields are stored in the Request.posts dictionary.

See the following example:

      <!-- This is an FTD file -->
      <h1>POST Processor</h1>

      <? if not Request.posts ?>
         <p><b>Blank form:</b></p>
            // fill with default values -- yes, posts are not read only
            Request.posts["Name"] = ""
            Request.posts["Occupation"] = ""
            Request.posts["Gender"] = "M"
            Request.posts["Likes"] = []
      <? else ?>
         <p><b>Already filled form:</b></p>
      <? end ?>

      <form method="POST" action="<?= Request.uri ?>">
      <tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" value="<?= htmlEscape(Request.posts["Name"])?>" name="Name"/></td></tr>
         <select name="Occupation">
         <option value="" <? if Request.posts["Occupation"] =="": >>'selected="yes"'?>> -- Please select -- </option>
         <option value="Student" <? if Request.posts["Occupation"] =="Student": >>'selected="yes"'?>>I am a student</option>
         <option value="Teacher" <? if Request.posts["Occupation"] =="Teacher": >>'selected="yes"'?>>I am a teacher</option>
         <option value="Employee" <? if Request.posts["Occupation"] =="Employee": >>'selected="yes"'?>>I am an employee</option>
         <option value="Other" <? if Request.posts["Occupation"] =="Other": >>'selected="yes"'?>>Other</option>
            <input type="radio" name="Gender" value="M" <? if Request.posts["Gender"] =="M": >>'checked="yes"'?>/>&nbsp;Male
            <input type="radio" name="Gender" value="F" <? if Request.posts["Gender"] =="F": >>'checked="yes"'?>/>&nbsp;Female
            <input type="checkbox" name="Likes[]" value="Sport" <? if "Sport" in Request.posts["Likes"]: >>'checked="yes"'?>/>&nbsp;Sport
            <input type="checkbox" name="Likes[]" value="Reading" <? if "Reading" in Request.posts["Likes"]: >>'checked="yes"'?>/>&nbsp;Reading
            <input type="checkbox" name="Likes[]" value="Music" <? if "Music" in Request.posts["Likes"]: >>'checked="yes"'?>/>&nbsp;Music
      <tr><td col span="2"><input type="submit" value="send"/></td></tr>

Of course, a so verbose and "handmade" HTML form management and crafting is not what usually done in well planned server side applications (that use specific libraries to render the HTML forms and fill them with incoming data), but this is meant to be a sample of what's should be done "behind the scenes".

The form action uses the "Request.uri" field to send the fields in the form to the same script initially loaded. To simplify the code, a set of default values are stored in the posts fields to be used in the code in the form rendering part in case they're not there.

The name attribute of the input field is turned into a key in the posts dictionary of the Request object. Values are directly decoded and transformed into strings before they reach the script.

Adding a "[]" (square brackets) pair to a field name, all the values associated with that field are stored in an array. In the above example, we have the "Likes" field created with a set of interrelated checkboxes, which value is filled with 0 or more strings, each being an option in the checkbox list.

Note: It is possible to create arrays of values also in GET fields, appending the "[]" to the variable names in the URI query part.

Consider using the Request.getField method to access a field that may come from GET or POST fields. This method can also provide a simple default in case the field is not given. For example, a variable that is vital for your script may be read like this:

   // Read a "work_mode" variable, and if not sent default it to "normal"
   work_mode = Request.getField( "work_mode", "normal" )

Upload control

The WOPI system allows to retrieve and manage uploaded files through a class called Uploaded. Each field of a file upload enable form is turned into an Uploaded instance in the corresponding post entry of the Request entity.

In example, this form:

      <form action="receiver.ftd" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8">
         <p>Form field: <input type="text" name="Afield" value="aaaa"/>
         <p>Input file: <input type="file" name="TheFile"/>
         <p><input type="submit" name="sub_btn" value="Send"/>

will cause the Request.posts dictionary to contain a string entry for the "Afield" key, and an Uploaded instance for TheFile. A typical inspect() result on the Request.posts dictionary may be like the following:

      "Afield" => "aaaa"
      "TheFile" => Object of class Uploaded {
         data => Nil
         error => Nil
         filename => "kusamakura.pdf"
         mimeType => "application/x-filler"
         open => Ext. Function Uploaded.open
         read => Ext. Function Uploaded.read
         size => int(472396)
         storage => "/tmp/8sO5pvU6ZoxEY1Qn"
         store => Ext. Function Uploaded.store
      "sub_btn" => "Send"

Note: Notice the accept-charset parameter of the form tag. As MIME type doesn't specify an encoding standard for multipart data, the falcon-apache2 module assumes that all the fields in multipart posted forms (except the file entries) are encoded in utf-8. Please, use the accept-charset="utf-8" in every multipart form when sending data to Falcon modules.

Configuration options

The upload control is sensible to three parameters that can be configured by the front-ends. Different front-ends have different defaults, and different means to set this parameters; however, the meaning of the parameters stays unchanged across all the frontends:

- Maximum size for uploads: it's the maximum upload size allowed, in kilobytes (1024 bytes). The upload size is applied globally to the incoming form data; it's the total size of the uploaded files plus the overhead for headers and multipart boundaries. If the size of the incoming data is above this limit, the script receive a notify in the ":error" Request.posts dictionary, explaining the problem. The script can then notify the problem to the user.

Upload receiving mode

WOPI front-ends serve the uploaded files in two ways:

If a file is smaller than what set in the maximum size for memory-stored uploads, as set in the specific front-end configuration, it is directed to the Uploaded.data field and its whole contents are stored in a MemBuf.

If it's larger, it is stored in a temporary file whose complete path is written as a string in the Uploaded.storage property of the incoming data. To have every upload saved in a temporary file, set the maximum memory-upload size to zero, to have everything in memory without disk storage set it to the same value as the maximum allowed upload size.

The Uploaded class has a set of methods that are useful to treat both upload modes the same way at script level; in other words, it is possible to use this methods to write scripts working just the same if the uploaded data is stored in memory or in a temporary file.

They are namely:

Temporary files are destroyed when the script terminates, so they don't waste system resources and the script doesn't need to take care of their deletion.

Cookie control

Cookies are variables that can be stored on the remote browser, and that it will be sent back by the browser when contacting the site.

Cookies are read and decoded in the Request.cookies dictionary, similarly to what happens with Request.gets and Request.posts. Also, the Request.getField method can be used to access cookie fields as well.

Cookies are set via the Reply.setCookie method. They can be bound with a specific sub-part of the site, or deemed to be "forgotten" by the remote client after a given time, or at a specific point in future. The complete list of parameters is described in the Reply.setCookie method documentation; what we want to show here is how to use cookies in the flow of your web-based application.

Suppose that you want to use cookies to identify the remote user and remember how many times your page has been visited. The following script shows how to properly set cookies, verify their value and eventually remove them.

	   // It is essential to set cookies BEFORE any output is sent
	   // So, in FTD scripts, it is necessary to check if cookies should be set
	   // before any element of the page is exposed.
	   // determine what we want to do.
	   mode = Request.getField( "mode", "" )
	   // read the user and password.
	   user = Request.getField( "user", "" )
	   pwd = Request.getField( "pwd", "" )
	   switch mode
	   	case "login"
	   		// a very simple auth scheme:
	   		if user == "master" and pwd == "1234"
	   			// notice: cookie names == to form field names
	   			Reply.setCookie( "user", "master" )
	   			Reply.setCookie( "pwd", "1234" )
	   			Reply.setCookie( "times", 0 )
	   			times = 0
	   			// clear the user variable so we know the user is invalid
	   			user = oob(nil)  // oob to mark the failed login
	  		case "logout" 		
	 			// clear our cookies
	 			// it's not very important to know if we're really logged in
	  			Reply.clearCookie( "user" )
	  			Reply.clearCookie( "pwd" )
	  			Reply.clearCookie( "times" )
	  			// also, clear the variable so the script knows we're not a user
	  			user = nil
			   // no mode? -- if we're logged in we must update the times counter.
			   if user == "master" and pwd == "1234"
			   	// will throw if something goes wrong; and it's ok with us
			   	times = int(Request.cookies["times"])
			   	Reply.setCookie( "times", ++times )
			   elif user != ""
			   	// AAARGH, a failed breackage attempt!
			   	user = oob("")  // mark this situation
	<head><title>Cookie test</title></head>
	<h1>Cookie test</h1>
	<? if user ?>
		<!-- We're really logged in! -->
		<p>Welcome, my master!</p>
		<p>You have been around <?= times ?> times.</p>
		<p>Do you want to <a href="<?= Request.uri ?>?mode=logout">logout</a>
		or to <a href="<?= Request.uri ?>">reload this page</a>?</p>?</p>
	<? else ?>
		<? if mode == "logout" ?>
			<p><b>Logout performed</b>. Goodbye my master!</p>
		<? elif isoob(user) ?>
			<!-- Something was wrong. Login failure has user == nil, while breackages have user == "" -->
			<? if user == nil ?>
				<p><b>Wrong use rid/password</b>. Please try again.</p>
			<? else ?>
				<p><b>Bad move.</b>You're trying to force the system with unauthorized cookies.</p>
			<? end ?>
		<? end ?>
		<!-- in any case, present the login form -->
		<form action="<?= Request.uri ?>" method="POST">
		<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="login"/>
		User: <input type="text" name="user"/><br/>
		Password: <input type="password" name="pwd"/><br>
		<input type="submit" value="Login"/>
	<? end ?>

Notice the first part: in case you're using an FTD script, it's necessary to open immediately a processor block (major/question-mark) to prevent any output to be generated prior we get an occasion to set cookies.

Then, cookies are read through Request.getField. Later on we see that we have set the same names for get fields ("mode=logout"), post fields (user/pwd) and cookies. This is totally arbitrary, and you may prefer to keep those separated so that you can determine if a field has been previously set as a cookie or is coming from a login form. However, at times is useful to abstract the source of a field, and just consider its value, no matter how the remote client sent it to us. In this way, we can have scripts sending logout requests via standard http links, and sending us login requests via forms, as it happens here.

Be careful about checking authorization cookies: as you can see, the script here repeats the check on the login cookies at each step


Sessions are conceptually similar to cookies with one mayor difference. They are stored server-side.

A variable in the Request scoping (cookie, post or get) contains an unique session ID that refers to a dictionary of key-value pairs stored server side. As the "session data" is just a standard Falcon dictionary, every kind of data can be used both for keys and values. When the script terminates, the data is stored in a safe place (depending on the configuration options and on the front-end mechanism, it is usually serialized to a temporary file).

The default behavior consists in storing the session id in a cookie named "SID", but it is possible to change the name of the variable storing the session ID changing the value of the Request.sidField property, and prevent the system to automatically generate the cookie changing the value of the Request.autoSession field to false. In this case, the scripts are required to keep track of the SID variable by hand, and to pass it around (for example, storing it in the Request.gets field and using Request.fwdGet method to create a query element to be attached to intra-site links).

As the Request.getSession method will try to create a new session if a valid SID is not provided anywhere as an input variable, the Request.hasSession method can be used to check if we can suppose that a session was already open (or if consistent, the script may just check for the presence of previously stored data in the dictionary returned by Request.getSession).

Many sites prefer to create a session for any incoming visitor, adding valid user data to the session when the remote client is validated; in this case, just using Request.getSession settles the problem, as you can count on the data to be empty for new visitors, filled with generic data for visitors still not authenticated and having a valid user authentication field when the user has logged in.

Other sites prefer to associate session data only to authenticated users; in this second, more complex case, it is advisable to use the Request.hasSession method to determine if the remote user has tried to open a session in its previous contacts. Also, in this cases, the site will want to close the session (removing the remote cookie and freeing locally allocated resources) when the remote user explicitly logs out.

This second, more complete and complex approach is shown in the following example, in which we substitute the cookie concepts seen in the previous section with session-based processing:

   // It is essential to set cookies BEFORE any output is sent
   // So, in FTD scripts, it is necessary to check if cookies should be set
   // before any element of the page is exposed.
   // determine what we want to do.
   mode = Request.getField( "mode", "" )

   switch mode
   	case "login"
   		// a very simple auth scheme:
   		if Request.getField( "user", "" ) == "master" and Request.getField( "pwd", "" ) == "1234"
   			// notice: cookie names == to form field names
   			session = Request.getSession()
   			session["user"] = "master"
   			session["times"] = 0
   			// All right.
   			status = nil
   			status = "Login error"
  		case "logout"
		   // no mode? -- if we're logged in we must update the times counter.
		   if Request.hasSession()
		   		session = Request.getSession()
		   	catch WopiError 
		   		// an error in reading the session means we're trying to cheat
		   		status = "Invalid or expired session ID"

	// here, "status" is nil if all is ok, and "session" is a dictionary if we have an open session
	<head><title>Cookie test</title></head>
	<h1>Session test</h1>
	<? if session ?>
		<!-- We're really logged in! -->
		<p>Welcome, my master!</p>
		<p>You have been around <?= session["times"] ?> times.</p>
		<p>Do you want to <a href="<?= Request.uri ?>?mode=logout">logout</a> 
			or to <a href="<?= Request.uri ?>">reload this page</a>?</p>
			// the fun with sessions is that we can change data past output
			session["times"] ++
	<? else ?>
		<? if mode == "logout" ?>
			<p><b>Logout performed</b>. Goodbye my master!</p>
		<? elif status ?>
			<!-- Something was wrong. Error is specified in status -->
			<p><b><?= status ?></b>. Please try again.</p>
		<? end ?>
		<!-- in any case, present the login form -->
		<form action="<?= Request.uri ?>" method="POST">
		<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="login"/>
		User: <input type="text" name="user"/><br/>
		Password: <input type="password" name="pd"/><br>
		<input type="submit" value="Login"/>
	<? end ?>

See how the session approach does not require the password to be stored anywhere, nor the authentication process to be repeated.

Note: To prevent man-in-the-middle attacks that may be possible if the attacker sniffs the SID cookie or variable passing by, or if he guess by brute force a SID being still active, it is advisable to record the Request.remote_ip field that was detected at session creation in the session dictionary, and check if it's consistent with following requests.

Sessions will be automatically closed, and their data destroyed, after a certain timeout has expired. Each call to Request.getSession will reset the timeout; same happens each time a script having called Request.getSession terminates. So, as long as the remote user keeps visiting the site, its session stays open. The site may provide some automatic refresh strategy (even AJAX based) that may "ping" the session as long as the browser has an open page on the side, if they wish to.

Note: The timeout can be set through the target front-end configuration.

Named sessions

The anonymous session support is meant to create a single set of data which is associated with a visitor of a site. However, it is also possible to specify sessions having a specific name; this is useful when receiving an ID from a remote site, or a central service which distributes the data to the users associating them with an unique key.

The function Request.startSession accepts a string parameter that can be used to get the same session at a later time. The same parameter can then be passed to Request.getSession and Request.closeSession to retreive the same data during another step of the process and to get rid of that data.

Persistent local data.

Some web applications run directly through persistent processes, as as those served through the FastCGI, the apache module or the falhttpd front-ends, may find useful to initialize some data just once, as they are called the first time under their execution context (be it a system process or a separate thread), and then reused indefinitely until the execution context stays valid.

This is the case of database connections: opening and closing a database connection each time a web application is invoked may be an overkill. The same connection object may be shared by all the web application invoked by the same web server execution space (process or thread).

As the data needs not to be serialized to other processes or applications, and stays local and private for the currently running process or thread, any falcon item can be sored in this way, even if it doesn't support sharing or serialization.

Persistent data can be created through the Wopi.setPData method, and then accessed through and Wopi.getPData.

      class MyClass
         file = nil
            file = IOStream( "some file" )
      Wopi.setPData( "The common MyClass", MyClass() )
      // later on ...
      inst = Wopi.getPData( "The common MyClass" )
      inst.file.writeString( "Hello world!" )

The Wopi.getPData method has an extra parameter that can be used to create the object on the fly if it has still not been initialized for this process:

      // open the file or reuse it...
      inst = Wopi.getPData( "The common MyClass", {=> return MyClass()} )
      // continue to use the already open file...
      inst.file.writeString( "Hello world!" )

Persistent data methods can be used also from single-process web applications, (CGI based front-ends), with the effect that the web application will see them not initialized at every invocation.

Application-wide data.

Application-wide data is to be considered an asset that must stay valid for a whole application without any time limit. More applications can produce private (but application-widely visible) data on the same site, and it's even possible to exchange data across different applications.

Application data is not meant for configuration; it is possible to store relatively static configuration data into configuration files or separate variable-declaring scripts. Web application-wide data is meant for data that may change across rapidly, or on a per-user basis,which is meaningless to store on more-secure and organize persistent storages, as databases.

Typical usages for application-wide data are:

Falcon WOPI provides a default (unnamed) application data store, and the ability to create application specific stores, each named under the desired application.

The data is stored as a dictionary (which may be empty if the data was never modified since its creation), and can be accessed via the Wopi.getAppData method. The method can be fed with an optional string, which represent the name of the application willing to access its data. For example:

   const appname = "My_Web_Application"
   data = Wopi.getAppData( appname )
   // ... use data

Note: The application name shouldn't contain spaces nor slashes: on some system, it would cause an error when trying to store the data on semi-persistent or persistent resources.

The querying script owns a personal copy of the data that can be changed at will. Concurrent changes of the same application data won't be visible in different scripts until one of the data holder decides to write its copy to the application space via the Wopi.setData. This method accepts an optional application name, that should match the application name used on the Wopi.getData call (this is not a requirement).

   const appname = "My Web Application"

   // ...  using data

   Wopi.setAppData( data, appname )

Note: The item fed into Wopi.setAppData doesn't need to be created by Wopi.getAppData method.

To propagate the new status of the application wide data, the script must call Wopi.setAppData. If the data can be safely written on the system and propagated to other scripts, the function returns true; otherwise, it returns false and the contents in the given item are atomically refreshed with the new contents. To have this atomically modified data back in the calling program, the parameter must have been passed as a reference, so that the old data can be discarded and the new data can be used instead.

In short, the usage pattern for the application wide that is the following:

   const appname = "MyApp"
   data = Wopi.getAppData( appname )

   // operate on data

   while not Wopi.setAppData( $data, appname )
      // reapply changes to the modified data, if necessary

For example, suppose that you need to increment a counter indicating the visited pages:

   data = Wopi.getData()

      if data == nil
         data = [ "counter" => 1 ]
         data["counter"] ++
   end counter.setData( $data )

In the above example, there is always the possibility that some other script increments the count while we're trying to store its new value. This method ensures that the data is still valid and we're the only having changed it between the moment in which they are first queried and when they are finally stored back to the common repository.

Note: The stored data can be any arbitrary Falcon data, provided that it supports serialization.

In case of error (I/O on the external persistent storage or serialization/deserialization errors) an exception is raised. Errors that are considered temporary or transient won't generate exception raising; the scripts can consider the raised exception as a definitive failure that will prevent to operate correctly with the designed application-wide data.

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