Falcon is ...
...an Open Source, simple,
fast and powerful programming language,
easy to learn and to feel comfortable with, and a scripting engine ready to empower
mission-critical multithreaded applications.
Falcon provides six integrated
programming paradigms: procedural, object oriented, prototype oriented,
functional, tabular and message oriented. And you don't have to master
all of them; you just need to pick
the ingredients you prefer, and let the code follow your
looper = .[brigade
{ val, text => printl( text, ": ", val ) }
{ val, text => oob( [val+1, "Changed"] ) }
{ val, text =>
val < 10 ? oob(1): "Completed." }
final = looper( 1, "Original" )
> "Final value is: ", final
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Falcon lives!
Posted by jonnymind on
We have started working at a new version of Falcon as a reboot of the project.
Status of Alpha 1.0
Posted by jonnymind on
Latest news on the status of the Alpha release Falcon 1.0 Peregrine.
Last steps for 1.0 alpha
Posted by jonnymind on
First of brief development notes about the upcoming release. (Cut & paste from IRC talk)
Parallel deep objects
Posted by jonnymind on
I have performed a successful preliminary test for parallel deep objects (on strings). This makes the upcoming Falcon 1.0 the first scripting language suitable for high performance, low contention parallelism in its class.
Opinions on how to finalize Version 1.0
Posted by jonnymind on
I have posted this mail to the Google Falcon group, asking for opinion. I repeat it here so that people not having access to the Google group can take a look and provide some feedback directly to the inner committee (you can send a mail by accessing the contacts area).
Falcon and VFF institute
Posted by jonnymind on
The Falcon programming language has been adopted by the VFF Institute - Marenostrum, an European research on environmental problems.
New engine -- Reflection basics completed
Posted by jonnymind on
The basics of the syntactic tree (Falcon source code as interpreted by the parser) reflection are now in the repository.
New engine -- development status
Posted by jonnymind on
We have just completed a brand new Try/catch/finally block; it's now time for a little resort of the project and organization of the effort to release 1.0
A new article on the Organic VM.
Posted by jonnymind on
this article I briefly describe the hotspots of the new Organic Virtual Machine we're preparing for release 1.0 -- in depth.
Have a nice read! :-)
Streaming news on the new engine development
Posted by jonnymind on
While we're trying to set up a native streaming news service, we're updating the situation via Twitter and via the developer's personal blogs.
Anyone interested can follow us searching #falconpl on Twitter.